Tuesday, 13 November 2007

1. Introduction

Hi friends, before we start our journey into the world of E- Business and E- Commerce lets start with the basics, what is E- Business and E- Commerce?

  • E - Commerce - The process of buying and selling or exchange of products and services or information exchange through computer network (digitally).

  • E- Business - E- Business is the broader version of E-Commerce which deals with not only products and services or buying and selling but also customer service, collaborating with business partners, training through E-Learning and conducting electronic transactions with a computer network.

Reflective Report

Earlier in the past I had some doubts about business and commerce and difference between them but now it is quite clear to me with the help of this definition.

I never imagined that commerce is the aspect/branch of business but its clear to me that E – business is not just buying and selling of goods but also other related activities like customer service which helps the process of E-commerce to be effective.

In short, E-business is the use of the Internet and other networks and information technologies to support electronic commerce, enterprise communications and collaboration, and Web-enabled business processes both within a networked enterprise, and with its customers and business partners.

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